Our Committee
Lisa Thomas
Kim Kiss
Jackie Tierney
Durn Flatman
Sally Bryant
Jan Montgomery
Our Coordinators
Wellington Arts Centre Inc has determined the best way to share responsibilities and workload is to define the most popular areas of our business into working groups. These groups are assigned a lead coordinator and in some cases this may require two people depending on the activities and tasks. Current working groups that are lead by a coordinator include: Arts and Sculpture Festival, Music In Between, Workshops, Culture Bus, Indigenous Art, Publicity and Media.
In all cases it is important to support and strengthen relationships of the individuals within the teams by sharing experiences, ideas and allow room for creativity. Each working group is responsible to the committee, and through the coordinator are required to submit a budget for any proposed projects, provide updates and reports to the committee at the monthly meetings, along with an event management plan for any projects. These groups are fluid and members are encouraged to offer assistance in one or more groups, as there are many different projects to be enjoyed.
Funding for projects should be sought by the individual groups and the success of these skills will develop over time and greatly assist Wellington Arts future.
In all cases it is important to support and strengthen relationships of the individuals within the teams by sharing experiences, ideas and allow room for creativity. Each working group is responsible to the committee, and through the coordinator are required to submit a budget for any proposed projects, provide updates and reports to the committee at the monthly meetings, along with an event management plan for any projects. These groups are fluid and members are encouraged to offer assistance in one or more groups, as there are many different projects to be enjoyed.
Funding for projects should be sought by the individual groups and the success of these skills will develop over time and greatly assist Wellington Arts future.
Exhibition Coordinator
Arts & Sculpture Coordinator
Music In Between Coordinator
Indigenous Art Coordinator
Workshop Coordinator
Publicity Coordinator
Cultural Bus Coordinator